Strings 1

A mechanically produced composition resulting from the random interaction between a steel pan, three ping pong balls and a desk fan combined with the effects of rust and decay on half the insides of a piano played by a set of small motors.

Made by combining this (filmed onto VHS tape),

mechanism inside a steel pan

With this. (the steel pan was placed upside down over a foam covered desk fan that bounced three ping pong balls randomly around projecting them onto the inside of the pan to create the percussive sounds)

automatically playing steel pan

This is the sound of the steel pan on its own.

amplified piano insides

The piano strings cut in half.

Strings 2

The interaction between overtones created by sounding piano strings, cymbals and a metal sheet with small motors. (the piece builds over a period of two minutes and then continues for 16 minutes before fading out over two minutes)

instruments in studio

These are the sound making devices used in the recording - small low voltage motors with strips of tape attached used to vibrate cymbals and piano strings and with a small weight added to vibrate a steel sheet.

piano on tripod

One sixth of the piano insides.

sound installation in Lambeth

Combined with a large stainless steel disk played by a small motor.

sound installation in Sweden

Two sixths of the piano can be seen here on either side of the stage with resonators attached. (with the insides of another whole piano, a steel sheet, three cymbals and a bicycle wheel).

A recording of all theses devices was used as the sound for this sound painting for projector and speakers. The video was derived from a fireworks display.

The four cut up sections combined for the Bath festival in the UK.

Strings 3

Two less minimalist string pieces utilising guitar and violin.

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